Family United to Negotiate fun


Outdoor play has all sorts of benefits for children. It helps them make sense of the world, be more physically active, regulate emotions and learn to cooperate with others.

In previous projects, we developed an online tool to help adults change their perspective and tolerance of risk for children’s play.

You can find two modules of the tool on

A module for parents/guardians: link
A module for early childhood educators: link

In the FUN2 project, we are building a new module for parents/guardians and children to use together to learn more about the importance of outdoor play. This module will help them figure out the simple changes that will work best for them to bring more outdoor play into children’s lives. It will:


  • Teach children and parents/guardians about outdoor risky play and its benefits
  • Give examples of good outdoor risky play
  • Guide conversations between children and parents/guardians about what they want for outdoor play
  • Give children and parents/guardians language and negotiation strategies to find a middle ground


We are recruiting children 7 to 10 years old in Metro Vancouver for a group interview.

If you could gather up a group of children between 7 and 10 years old within your bubbles (up to 3 children per group) who are willing to talk to us about playing outside, please contact us at

It could be a fun playdate for children and each child will receive $50 gift card.

We will come to you to do the interview. We prefer meeting up at a location convenient for you – preferably outside! 


OutsidePlay intervention 

If you have any questions, please email at or call 604-875-2000 x5078.